BLUG Meeting 9/5 – systemd deep dives: systemd-nspawn

Meeting Includes…
“Hands-on Help Time” from 6:30pm til 7pm, BLUG/LFNW & Linux News, Q&A, and a presentation by John Blanford on systemd-nspawn.

John Blanford: systemd-nspawn
John dive deeply into systemd-nspawn (think chroot for systemd), and how systemd uses cgroups and name spaces.

Hands-on Help Time
Starting at 6:30pm, 1/2 hour prior to the regular 7pm start time, BLUG offers hands-on help for anyone with a Linux issue. Bring your computer and let the BLUG folks give you a hand.

BTC Room CC201, on the 2nd floor of the Campus Center building. Remember this meeting is open to the public, tell your neighbor and bring a friend!